What insurance do you take?

We contract with many major insurance providers. Since many insurance companies offer several plans under the same umbrella, you must confirm that QAMR accepts your insurance before we can make an appointment. To do this, contact your health insurance company using our TAX ID:  91-1928245 to confirm that your health insurance covers our services. If you are not covered by insurance or if QAMR does not take your insurance, you may pay by credit or debit card at the time of your visit.

Do you take Medicare?

We have taken Medicare for over thirty years and will continue to do so as long as Medicare covers telehealth visits. We have always accepted straight Medicare. There are also many Medicare Advantage Complete plans and Medicare Supplemental (Secondary) plans. Just as with regular healthcare plans, there are many options, and we are not contracted with all of them. Please use our  TAX ID:  91-1928245 to confirm that we are in the network with any plan you are considering.  

Do you take Medicaid?

We take Medicaid through Molina Apple Health for our existing patients but are currently closed to new Medicaid patients. Because this is confusing, please ask by leaving a message at 206-281-7163.

What Health Exchange (Marketplace) plans do you accept?

Please check with your insurance company to be certain that QAMR accepts your insurance. Call your insurance company and use our TAX ID:  91-1928245 to confirm that you are covered.

Are you accepting new patients?

Because we are a telehealth-only practice, our practice will not be suitable for all patients. If you are interested in becoming a patient, please leave us a message including your name, phone number, and email at 206-281-7163, and a medical assistant will contact you. Do spell your name and email address. Remember to contact your health insurance company to verify that we accept your health insurance.

Is Queen Anne Medical Remote suitable for everyone who has been a patient before?

No. Some patients’ medical circumstances are too complex to be well-served in a telehealth practice. If this applies to you, we ask that you find another healthcare provider or clinic. (We recommend larger centers such as Swedish Medical Center, University of Washington Medical Center, Virginia Mason, or Kaiser Permanente.)

How do I get my records transferred to another facility?

You may have your electronic medical records transferred to the new facility of your choice. This will include digital records from 2012 on. Use the patient portal to ask for a Transfer of Records form and for details and fee information. 

How do I get my blood drawn?

Since we no longer have a physical clinic, we will no longer offer on-site blood draws. Instead, we will order your lab tests through Labcop. Labcorp has locations all over the Pacific Northwest, and our orders will be honored at any of their draw sites. Make a blood draw appointment by calling your draw site. (https://www.labcorp.com/labs-and-appointments)

Does this mean that Queen Anne Medical no longer recommends regular physical exams?

Not at all. We also encourage you to get mammograms, colonoscopies at age 45, PSA tests for prostate screening if you are 50 or over and have a prostate, Paps if you have a cervix, etc. We will be happy to provide referrals.

What if I have a medical emergency?

Call 911 for a life-threatening medical emergency or 988 for a mental health emergency. Alternatively, go to the appropriate Emergency Room or Urgent Care facility of your choice for in-person care.

Will there be an after-hours on-call doctor or nurse practitioner available?

No. We will no longer provide a 24-hour on-call service. If you need to see or talk to a medical provider after regular business hours, contact the Emergency Room or Urgent Care Center of your choice. Some health insurance companies offer a 24-hour consulting nurse service. 

How do I contact my provider?

You may make a telehealth appointment through our scheduling system or by sending a message through the patient portal. Do not leave urgent messages on the voicemail or in the portal, as these are retrieved only during regular business hours.  If you require immediate assistance, seek urgent care through your local Emergency Room or Urgent Care facility.

What do I do about medication refills?

Please contact your pharmacy for refills, and they will contact us. Prescriptions will be filled during business hours only—and only for telehealth patients. Please give 72 hours notice when requesting a refill. Remember, there is no longer a 24-hour pharmacy in Seattle.